[PS tutorial] Making header with water color brush.
Hello~ ^^
well, this tutorial was asked/requested by someone :3 in this tuto, I'll only show how to make the header like the header in my skin: All for you. Now, let's start it ^^
- Download a watercolor brush from http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/. For the water color brush, you can search it on the search bar and type it 'water color' or you can just use what I use (here).
- And here, I use photoshop CS4. It's up to you what photoshop version you use ^^ as long it's photoshop, that's okay ._.v
Then, it will be a folder like this..
p/s: Click the image for larger image.
- Open your photoshop, then click File > New.

- Fill the width and the height of the header you wanted. Mine is 622 x 440. Then click Ok

- Then, you have to add the text first. Click the "T" symbol on the right sidebar there, and start to type what you want on the header, and change the font you like.

- After that, you can move the text or change the position of the text. Mine is on the center of the header. Now, you can add some text again (if you want to). But if you won't.. just continue to the 'brushing' step. Here, I'm gonna put some text again -,-" Nah, but here I'll just continue with the brushing step.
First: click the
brush icon on the sidebar on the left there.
Second: ATTENTION! You already download the water color brush right? If you haven't, download it now ^^ Now, click the arrow above, then click arrow again, and then load brushes. I guess you don't understand it right? -_- Just look at the picture, ok?
Already understand it? Now, it will come out like this...
Click the folder of the watercolor brush and then click Load > The file.
Done? Now, see the brush bar. Scroll down, and you can find the brushes there ^^
Click the brush you want to use; Then paint it on the header: Just click once at the header; You can choose many colors for the brush, and change the brush again and again; It's up to you ^^
OH YEAH! If you want to make it transparent (the background), you can make it ^^ the step is so simple. Back at the first step, you see this right?
See that? In the Background Contents, it said it's White. If you want to make it transparent, click the arrow there and make it as Transparent.
DONE! ^^ Now, click File > Save As. And the format file is: JPEG or PNG (for the transparent header).
Ah, this is mine.. ^^
Got anything to ask? Have some difficulties? Ask me on the comment :3 Thanks~
[PS tutorial] Making header with water color brush.
Hello~ ^^
well, this tutorial was asked/requested by someone :3 in this tuto, I'll only show how to make the header like the header in my skin: All for you. Now, let's start it ^^
- Download a watercolor brush from http://www.brusheezy.com/brushes/. For the water color brush, you can search it on the search bar and type it 'water color' or you can just use what I use (here).
- And here, I use photoshop CS4. It's up to you what photoshop version you use ^^ as long it's photoshop, that's okay ._.v
Then, it will be a folder like this..
p/s: Click the image for larger image.
- Open your photoshop, then click File > New.

- Fill the width and the height of the header you wanted. Mine is 622 x 440. Then click Ok

- Then, you have to add the text first. Click the "T" symbol on the right sidebar there, and start to type what you want on the header, and change the font you like.

- After that, you can move the text or change the position of the text. Mine is on the center of the header. Now, you can add some text again (if you want to). But if you won't.. just continue to the 'brushing' step. Here, I'm gonna put some text again -,-" Nah, but here I'll just continue with the brushing step.
First: click the
brush icon on the sidebar on the left there.
Second: ATTENTION! You already download the water color brush right? If you haven't, download it now ^^ Now, click the arrow above, then click arrow again, and then load brushes. I guess you don't understand it right? -_- Just look at the picture, ok?
Already understand it? Now, it will come out like this...
Click the folder of the watercolor brush and then click Load > The file.
Done? Now, see the brush bar. Scroll down, and you can find the brushes there ^^
Click the brush you want to use; Then paint it on the header: Just click once at the header; You can choose many colors for the brush, and change the brush again and again; It's up to you ^^
OH YEAH! If you want to make it transparent (the background), you can make it ^^ the step is so simple. Back at the first step, you see this right?
See that? In the Background Contents, it said it's White. If you want to make it transparent, click the arrow there and make it as Transparent.
DONE! ^^ Now, click File > Save As. And the format file is: JPEG or PNG (for the transparent header).
Ah, this is mine.. ^^
Got anything to ask? Have some difficulties? Ask me on the comment :3 Thanks~