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Request Fanfic Poster (OPEN)
Apr 13, 2012 // 0 comments

Annyeong everybody~ Now, I'll open the request session. Ready? Han.. dul.. set! Jjang! The request is officially opened. You can freely request fanfic poster here, but read the rules first~

  1. Tidak menerima poster yang ber-gendre NC -_-" (Not receiving NC genre fanfiction) 
  2. Jangan memotong/crop labelku di poster. (Do Not cut my label on the poster)
  3. Request tidak diperlukan biaya, alias gratis. Jadi, hargai aku yak :3 (Request is not requiring any money, or Free. So, please respect me :3) 
  4. Mungkin request akan saya tutup jika saya sedang sibuk dengan sekolah, jadi maaf kalau saya belum sempat menyelesaikan request T_T (Maybe I'll close the request if I'm busy with my school. So, sorry if I haven't finish your request)
  5. Kalian bisa lihat hasil karyaku di page "FF & Art" (You can see my artwork in the "FF & Art" page)
  6. Isi form dibawah ini (Fill the form below):
Fill the data here.. -> In the message area. (Isi data itu di sini... Di bagian Message.)
Don't forget to put your website address. (Jangan lupa untuk mengisi alamat website-mu yaa~)

Jjang! That's it! You can start requesting now :3 Oh yeah, I'm sorry if my posters are ugly, weird, etc. I'm still learning :)

Thank you~ ^^ Love ya!
